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Submission Deadline

December 19, 2023

Acceptance Notification

About 7 days after Submission

Registration Deadline

Before December 22, 2023

Conference Date

December 22-23, 2023

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Paper Template and Submission Form

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Welcome to ICCMSA2023

Welcome to 2023 International Conference on Computer Modeling, Simulation and Algorithm (ICCMSA2023), which will be held during December 22-23, 2023 in Sanya, China. It mainly focuses on the research fields of Computer Modeling, Simulation and Algorithm, and is dedicated to provide the experts, scholars, engineers, etc. from different colleges and universities, research institutes, enterprises and institutions from home and abroad, with an academic platform for sharing of academic research findings, exploration of the cutting-edge engineering issues and discussion on the current opportunities and challenges, in a concerted effort to promote international cooperation and communication and the industrialization of scientific research results. Scholars from home and abroad are warmly welcomed to contribute and participate in the conference.

我们诚挚邀请您参加于2023年12月22-23日在三亚召开的 2023年计算机建模、仿真和算法国际学术会议(ICCMSA2023)。本次会议主题主要围绕计算机建模、仿真和算法领域,及其相关的学术研究交流与合作,热忱欢迎从事本领域专家、学者和专业技术人员踊跃投稿并参加大会。 会议公开征稿,欢迎广大从事相关领域研究的科研人员、教师及学生踊跃投稿!

Peer Review

Review Process
Statements of Originality
Hereon, we reiterate that the conference firmly resists the plagiarism, self-plagiarism. Any act of plagiarism is unacceptable, which is considered as a serious breach of professional conduct, with potentially severe ethical and legal consequences. Before submission, you are suggested to make a cross check to ensure that your manuscript similarity is under 30% (better less than 20%). Meanwhile, please make sure that the similar contents are properly reused basing on your checking report. Plagiarism is commonly defined as “the use of others prior ideas, processes, results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source”. All regular papers will go through two parts of reviews, including preliminary review and double-blind peer review.

The Preliminary Review
The papers will be checked in terms of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, paper length, structure, research topics and language etc. The paper can be sent to double-blind peer-review only if the paper passed the preliminary review. Generally speaking, the preliminary review feedback is available in 3 working days.

The Double-Blind Peer Review
The authors' names, affiliations, acknowledgments and other related personal information will be deleted or covered before the papers are sent to double-blind peer review. The papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, but usually by three or more to review the papers’ relevance, originality, technical quality, significance and presentation. The reviewer should account for their reviewing decision by providing the sufficient, substantial and well-founded comments that may help the authors to optimize the paper. In addition, the reviewer is also probably asked to answer a series of questions by program committee. After receiving the review comments, the authors are entitled to the rebuttal and its’ feedback. But the final review decision will not be changed in virtue of that.

Review Ethics
The paper publishing activity is very serious indeed: careers and reputations, as well as academic tenure decisions, often hinges on these publications. It means that we must be serious in the review processes. The paper reviewer is playing a critical role in the review process and fulfilling an important obligation of a committee member, the care and thoroughness are the foundations for the quality of a good review provided with fairness in judgment, expertise in the field, and carefully crafted comments that help authors improve their papers and work. We totally can’t accept the sketchy comments which apparently seems that the paper didn't be read carefully. Of course, the reviewers are allowed to refuse the review requests because of busyness or beyond research scopes.

Be Pertinent and Helpful
The paper review process has two separate and equally important goals. The first is to provide guidance to the authors, and the second is to provide editors and conference organizer with decisions of presentation type and publication. After carefully reading, the reviewers are expected to provide the authors with clear, detailed, diplomatic, unbiased evaluation and even appropriate citations ( if authors are unaware of relevant work) but to avoid vague complaints. Reviewers often begin with an overall assessment of the paper and further specify the strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the reviewers are expected to be acquainted with the conference topics and scopes, from this, reviewers take consider the originality, technical quality, research significance and pertinence. So the sufficient, substantial and well-founded comments are a must for the decision of the 'Acceptance' or 'Rejection' not only scores.

Be Confidential
The contents, ideas of the papers cannot be used, referenced, or included in the works of yours, your colleagues and your students prior to publication. Until then, the information in the papers should be treated as confidential and must not be used for any potential purposes uncorrelated to the review process. Reviewers should never share the reviewed version of the paper, review findings, reviewer comments on papers, and deliberations on the review decisions with anyone other than the review committee and the conference staff.

A conflict of interest is defined as a situation in which the reviewer can be viewed as being able to benefit personally from the outcome of a review, or in which the reviewer is not able to remain objective for personal reasons. If the conflict of interest exists, then the reviewer should decline to review the paper. The specific conflicts may be related to the following situations:
• You are the author or co-author paper.
• You worked in the same institute/affiliation.
• You are the supervisor, adviser of one of the authors.
• Your unpublished work is studying the same issue and used the same research approaches, or it probably cause cross-reviewing conflicts.
• You recognize the authors or paper.

The assignments are trying to avoid most conflicts, but if you recognize that your reviewing will be related to the conflicts of rights, please turn down the paper and write back the refusing mail for the request.