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Submission Deadline

December 19, 2023

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About 7 days after Submission

Registration Deadline

Before December 22, 2023

Conference Date

December 22-23, 2023

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Welcome to ICCMSA2023

Welcome to 2023 International Conference on Computer Modeling, Simulation and Algorithm (ICCMSA2023), which will be held during December 22-23, 2023 in Sanya, China. It mainly focuses on the research fields of Computer Modeling, Simulation and Algorithm, and is dedicated to provide the experts, scholars, engineers, etc. from different colleges and universities, research institutes, enterprises and institutions from home and abroad, with an academic platform for sharing of academic research findings, exploration of the cutting-edge engineering issues and discussion on the current opportunities and challenges, in a concerted effort to promote international cooperation and communication and the industrialization of scientific research results. Scholars from home and abroad are warmly welcomed to contribute and participate in the conference.

我们诚挚邀请您参加于2023年12月22-23日在三亚召开的 2023年计算机建模、仿真和算法国际学术会议(ICCMSA2023)。本次会议主题主要围绕计算机建模、仿真和算法领域,及其相关的学术研究交流与合作,热忱欢迎从事本领域专家、学者和专业技术人员踊跃投稿并参加大会。 会议公开征稿,欢迎广大从事相关领域研究的科研人员、教师及学生踊跃投稿!

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speaker : Prof. Cheng Siong Chin
Prof. Cheng Siong CHIN, Newcastle University, Singapore
Dr Cheng Siong Chin received the B.Eng. degree in Mechanical and Production Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in 2000, the M.Sc. degree in Advanced Control and Systems Engineering from The University of Manchester (formerly called UMIST) in 2001.  He has published over 100 publications, 4 authored books and 3 US Patents. His research interests include the design and simulation of complex systems for an uncertain environment. He is a Fellow of the Higher-Education Academy, Fellow of IMarEST and Senior Member of IEEE. He received the Best Paper Award for Virtual Reality of Autonomous Marine Vehicle in 10th International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control sponsored by IEEE in 2018 and the Best Application Paper on Dynamic Positioning for Vessel in 11th International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, 2019. He also received DCASE2019 Judges' Award (most innovative and original) for Sound Event Detection in Domestic Environments in IEEE AASP Challenge on DCASE2019. He was awarded the Outstanding Contributions in Reviewing for Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier in 2018.  He is the Associate Editor of IEEE Access, and Electronics (Sections: Systems & Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems).

Speech Title: Intelligent Audio Systems

Abstract: Intelligent Systems heavily rely on context-awareness. Context-awareness is the ability of a system or system component to gather information about its environment at any given time and adapt behaviors accordingly. Being able to detect and classify sounds and events from the surroundings is an essential aspect of context-awareness. An audio-based context recognition system using ensemble classifiers with wavelet feature extraction will be presented.  The signal from the environment provides complementary information about context compared to other modalities.


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Rosziati Ibrahim
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Dept. of Software Engineering Parit Raja, Malaysia
Biography: Rosziati Ibrahim is with the Software Engineering Department, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). She obtained her PhD in Software Specification from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane and her MSc and BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Adelaide, Australia. Her research area is in Software Engineering that covers Software Specification, Software Testing, Operational Semantics, Formal Methods, Data Mining, Image Processing and Object-Oriented Technology. She has held many administration posts including the Dean of the Faculty and the Director of the Research Centre. She was also a Visiting Fellow with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, QUT.

Speech Title: Software Testing using EPiT (Eclipse Plug-in Tool)

Abstract: This talk will discuss the software testing topic and demonstrate the use of EPiT on generating test cases automatically. There are four main phases under software development life cycle (SDLC): analysis, design, implement and testing. Software testing is one of the important phases in SDLC. Most often, software testing will involve on constructing test cases from the source codes. Constructing test cases manually from source codes are time consuming and need a lot of effort. Therefore, automation is needed for this process and EPiT has the ability for this. EPiT is a powerful plugin tool based on Eclipse IDE platform which is used to generate test cases automatically based on java source codes. By using parser with embedded code smell factor, EPiT analyzes java source codes line by line to detect and identify methods and classes in order to generate test cases automatically.